Introducing Isabella!

After 7 hours of labour and an emergency c-section,
we welcomed a healthy baby girl!
She is a spitting image of her daddy with dark, dark features.
She is a very content baby that likes to eat, sleep
and be cuddled.
We are enjoying every minute of her.

Isabella Clariza Becker
Born February 12, 2005 1:57 pm
Llandough Hospital
Cardiff, Wales
7 lbs 1 oz.
20 inches in length
black hair
dark blue eyes

At the hospital

Jason could not wait to get to the hospital each day
to hold baby Bella.
He simply adores his baby girl.

The Becker Family

First weeks home with Bella

Bella is a spitting image of her dad with dark features

alot more content after a bath than in the hospital

bundle Bella up immediately!

we have the knack of diaper changing too

daddy is such a big help and so "hands on"