Christmas Day 2006

What a sweet little girl all dressed up for xmas!

Even the baby dressed up.
Braxton in his little man suit

Baba and Gido enjoyed christmas this year with their grandkids.

Family Becker Christmas 2006

Christmas Morning 2006

Santa definitley made a pit stop at our house this xmas.
Someone must have been a really good girl this year! 

Bella doesn't waste her time opening gifts

The cowboy boots should have been one of the last gifts to open
as they were a bit of a distraction!

Baby's First Christmas Morning!

Santa didn't forget about Mom and Dad

Gido and Baba

Those cowboy boots were a WIN!

New activity for a WIN!

New table and chair set

Christmas Eve 2006

It was so nice to have a family christmas this year!

Gido and Dad relaxing after eating all
those perogies and cabbage rolls

One more Christmas Dress!

Cooking in the kitchen with Baba

Christmas Cuddles

Christmas Pajama party

A Christmas Visit

My mom and dad came to visit and celebrate xmas with us.
They had a great time with thegrandkids and the
grandkids were spoiled the whole time they were here.
Bella really misses her "gi-gi".

Baba and Gido Rogalski

Mashed Potatoe Face

You should eat your food, not play with it.

Mashed Potatoe Face Bella!

Becker Family Christmas Greeting 2006

Season’s Greetings!
All is well with the Becker Family. We had a great 2006 and looking forward to 2007! We had a turn of events this year and started our season in Reading, Pennsylvania.
Everyone is enjoying the chang, especially myself as my german wasn’t improving and if I have not mentioned before - OUTLET MALLS!
Our little Bella Boo turned one and is now an ever challenging and determined toddler who loves to copycat, sing and giggle! She is an excellent little helper and loves being a big sister.
Jason is enjoying the hockey as the oldest “rookie” in the league! He has definitely proved himself and doing very well and we are all proud of him. He has suffered his first minor injury of the season by taking a puck in the teeth. We are not too sure if he will lose any but if so, it’s taken quite a few years of hockey to knock them out!
And last but not least the early, unexpected arrival of our sweet, baby boy Braxton on October 11! Being just as determined as his sister, he was going to make his appearance on his own time! We are very thankful that all went well and he is very healthy and growing like a little weed. No surprises as all he prefers to do is eat, eat, eat!

Jason and I are looking so forward to having Christmas this year with the little ones.
From our family to yours, have a safe and happy holiday season!
Jason, Jaime, Bella & Braxton Becker

Christmas Kids

Our sweet baby boy.
First Christmas.
2.5 months old.

The girl with the infectious smile!
Big sister Bella.
22 Months old.

Good ol' St. Nick

The kids met Santa.
Bella not so  sure about Santa but
we didn't see any tears or hear any screaming.

Christmas Prep

On the search for the perfect tree!

Bella and Dad agreed on the perfect tree.

Decoration Prep

So helpful!

What's a christmas tree without tinsel?

Our tree for Christmas 2006.

JingleBell Fest

Jingle Bell Fest.

Christmas Light show.

Stroller for two!


Such a fantastic evening.

Braxton - 2 months old

Wow, he is 2 months olds already!!
Even though the sleepless nights and tummy aches become overwhelming,
all it takes is one big smile and a little giggle from the little man
and you tend to forget how tired you really are.
Braxton is doing awesome!
He is starting to giggle and loves to smile.


Bundled and Comfy


