Weekends at the lake

Christopher Lake at the Briske's cabin...our annual weekend together...plus 1
Jason, Shannon and Jeremy

The Briske and Becker kids...
Cassidy, Berlyn, Mason, Braxton and Bella

Berlyn and Braxton are 5 days apart in age...having some tubtime!

Uncle Jeremy

July Long Weekend
Wakaw Lake

Lil' Miss Hawaii herself

Driving the boat with Gi-gi

Going for a boatride with gi-gi in the fishing boat

Jason in his element.....

Tubtime at Baba's cabin! We could barely get the tank in the sink!

Big smiles for Baba

Our family at the beach

First time at the beach for Brax....the sand must taste good

First boat ride for Brax, not enjoying the lifejacket so much.....

Mom and Brax playing down at the beach

Gi-gi and Braxton

The lake life wore the little man right out!

Cochin Lake
also July Long Weekend
We went to Randy's birthday party at their cabin in Cochin
Myself, Kerry, Christi, Carol and Gaelene

Jason, Randy and Cam