Back in Germany

This season we are in Crimmitschau, Germany.
It is a smaller city but we have plenty of things
to do with the kids and there are some very nice cities close by.
Our apartment

We went to the city fest they had in August....Bella got to go on some rides.

The food and beer booths

Downtown Crimmitschau

We also went to the city fest in Zwickau.....
Zwickau is 10 minutes away.
It was such a nice day so it was very busy with people

having a drink downtown near the cathedral

Braxton - 10 months old

Although he looks like he is two, 10 months old already! He is doing so much, where do I even start? Crawling at a full speed now, walking, talking, singing and no more baby food, he needs to eat big people food, baby food just isn't good enough anymore! He is such a happy camper...all of the time!
Oh yes, Brax loves the camera unlike his sister......he loves to pose!

Someone is SOOOO BIG!

Dad and Brax

Standing and walking around the coffee table

walking with help

going for another walk and showing off some teeth

Big smiles from Brax and his favorite person....Mom!

Crawling...full speed ahead!


They have adjusted so well to the german lifestyle...
I am so proud of them both!
They are either playing, wrestling or having a tug-of-war over a toy!
Bella is starting to get a challenge as Brax is becoming very strong!

Bella was born in Wales, Brax in the States, they are living in Germany.......

but are both proud to be canadian!

gotta wear shades....

Having a picnic.....

what kind of tree is this?

What a faker....she hates pictures! haha

First time in heels, they can be tricky!

Having lunch together, peacefully

Here comes the's all fun and games until....

someone tackles back!
Ok, now I am mad, get her off....not fair!

I knew I would find a way....and this is where mom comes in!


Our Family

Bella is 2 1/2

Braxton is 10 months