Zum Geburstag Braxton!

Who is the best mom ever ???....that's right me!
The kids are just loving licking the cake batter!

Mmmmmm, cake batter!

The outcome.....
Happy 1st Birthday Braxton
Celebrated October 11, 2007
Bella and mom helping Brax open his bdy gifts

Personal Profile:
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: blonde
Weight: 23 - 24 lbs
Height: 77 cm
Shoe size: baby size 4 ( I have chubby feet)
Personality: Warm and friendly
Personal Favs: my mom, the "wheels on the bus" song,
my sister when she shares and of course to eat, eat, eat!
Balloons are fun until they pop in your face!

Bella and Brax playing with the balloons and
the streamers they managed to rip down from the wall....

having a laugh with dad
with mommy...

Mmmmmm....CAKE! This stuff is great!

yum, yum, yum.......cake batter tastes even better when it is baked!

What are you trying to say here.....NO more cake?

Our good friends came over for some cupcake n' coffee