Briske's Cabin - Christopher Lake

Another weekend that has become a trend for the past
3 summers is our "annual weekend at the Briske's".
The actual date changes each year, but the timing does not.
After the Thursday of the UofS Huskie Hockey Alumni golf tourney
we head up to the Briske's cabin for a weekend full of fun!

The boyz
Top - Bottom: Jason, Sheldon, Shannon, Jeremy

Mason Briske

Brax finally venturing out into the lake water.....
He LOVED it!

Brax loved being surrounded by
tonka trucks and sand toys.

Out on the lake was a beautiful day!

Jeremy, Jill and Sheldon brave enough to take a turn tubing....

The "hostess with the mostess" Shannon BBQing

having some pre-dinner drinks

The Mr. & The Mrs.

The boyz.....

Kel and I at the campfire later that evening

Group photo!

oh so many hugs come with oh so many beers!

Jill and I

Bella and Cassidy in the morning hanging out with their dora blankets.

Such an eventful weekend!
Good times had by ALL.