1 year more and Bella turned four.

February 12 Bella turned 4.
I can still remember every detail of that day 4 years ago,
and I'm trying to forget the terrible twos.
She is smart but sassy, bossy but friendly, shy yet outgoing
and the BEST little 4 year old girl we could have ever imagined.
Happy Birthday Bella Boo!
We had her birthday party at the local McDonald's because
she not only requested cheeseburgers and chocolate cake
but the playroom so she could run and play afterwards.
It only took two tries to blow out the candle.

Owen, Brax and Bella enjoying the cupcakes.

opening gifts, she had plenty!

Peppa Pig.....SCORE!
Many thanx for all the gifts, you made a little girl very, very happy
on her special day.