
Fasching is Rosenheim's version of Carnival.
Americans call it "Mardi Gras" while the British have
"Shrove Tuesday" (pancake day).
The Fasching celebrations take place on Tuesday 24th Febuary.
Most people will get the afternoon off work so that they
can go downtown wearing a silly costume.
Faschingsdienstag (Carnival Tuesday) is the last day of Fasching
and when most of the festivities happen.
Fasching is celebrated mainly in the
Catholic parts of Germany and it's
name "Fasching" is only used in and around Munich.

The participants: the lion, the bunny and the pirate.

no "roar" here, the lion has cuddles for the bunny

the party has STARTED!

how about CUTEST costume...because it goes to this little guy!
Owen dressed up as a dinosaur and he was probably the
warmest of us all.

the panther, the bunny and the hippie.

would you like some fries with that?

PROBST to Faschingdienstag!