Unpacking....FOR GOOD!

We made it back from Germany, 11 bags and all!
After staying at my parents for a week we finally made
it into our new house!
I just love, love, love our house but I had no IDEA
how stressful such a big move could be!
The hardest adjustment for me has been the unpacking.
Yes, you would think I would be a pro at this by now,
but this summer I am not unpacking for 4 months
but unpacking FOREVER.
I am unpacking everything we brought home PLUS
everything we had in storage and then some.
These are just the clothes I brought back with me from Germany.
My husband was right, I shop ALOT.
He's smiling now......

First day of our move Bella fell into a table
and ended up at the medi-clinic.

The only place in the house that doesn't have clutter,
the staircase.