Parties, playtime and more.

The kids have had a very busy summer
socializing as well.
Bella is thrilled to be invited to parties, playdates and more.
Braxton is happy that is sister sometimes
lets him tag along.
Brook's hawaiian spa birthday party

Bella getting her hair put up
soaking her nails for her manicure

The Becker kids showing Ava how to do the
german jig at the german pavilion during Folkfest.


Off to Kinsmen park with cousing Jayda and Johnny

Johnny and Jayda are the best big cousins EVER!
They are both so good with the kids.
I see some great babysitters in the near future....

August Long Weekend

It's been a very long time since we have been
home for an August long weekend.
The first one we are home for, we needed to
pull out our parkas.

story-time with Baba

walking off dinner
yeah, it warmed up for an hour!
It doesn't matter how hot or cold, the kids live for
Gigi's boat rides.
Both kids take turns helping drive
Gigi's big blue boat.