2010/2011 Season Starts!

Back at the rink.
With a little bit of a difference,
Daddy doesn't play hockey - he coaches hockey.

Papa Dennis & Brax

Noah's Ark Adventure Land

A beautiful day to get out and enjoy the weather.
We met up with the Sprague family at
Noah's Ark Adventure Land.
It's a huge farm housing all kinds of FARM animals.
Nope, no monkeys, lions or elephants here.
But they do have a llama who spits, because he
did happen to spit on poor lil Katherine.

they chased that poor baby goat all over the farm

Bella in heaven

Brax went for a ride because his big sister did.
He loved every minute of it.
He even called himself a cowboy.

the kids feeding the horses, AND
at almost EVERY handful they came
so close to getting nibbled fingers.

First days of school

Have we all seen that Staples commercial on TV
where you here the xmas song "Most wonderful time of
the Year" and the dad is slow-motion gliding through
the air because he is so happy the kids are going
back to school?
When Jason and I first saw this commercial,
we both almost spit the supper out our mouths
to laugh hystarically.
After our BIG move to PG I needed a break from
the kidlets as they needed one from me.
BUT when I dropped them off at school,
I couldn't help but shed several tears.
Ok, it was like Niagra falls.

and she loved every minute of it.
She likes her classroom, her teacher and her
new friends she's already made.
She has already told me that she likes going all day,
just like the big kids.
First day of PRESCHOOL
and he absolutely loves it.
He has hellos for everyone and anyone
each morning as we walk down the hall to his classroom.
He loves to paint and has made a new friend - Aidan.

Back at the Rink

We are in Pre-Season right now and already
back at the rink for games.
Jason is enjoying every minute of coaching,
and I am adjusting to everything about it.
I didn't realize how much he would be away at times,
but I guess that's part of being a coaches wife.

Cougars fans!
On our way to the rink.

Miss Kindergarten & Mr. Preschool

Glenview Elementary
Prince George, BC

Univeristy of Northern BC
Prince George, BC