Home for Xmas

We took upon the BC highways, the 13 hour drive with 2 kids & a puppy and made it just in time for christmas. We were all so overjoyed to spend the christmas holiday with family & close friends.

Xmas drinks with the ladies.

Always great to re-unite with Gobby & Goph.

Group shot!

My work bestie Kendra.

At the Becker's

Traditional french xmas dinner.

Grandpa Becker, Shawn & the kids.

My brother Rod and I at our old elementary school rink for a skate on christmas eve with Gigi & the kids.

It was windy and fun!


She was so excited to receive her purple pony.
It was the gift she wrote down first on her letter to Santa. It was the gift she promised to be good for. By the expression on her face, being good was worth it.

Brax was more intrigued with ripping and tearing xmas wrap.

Xmas was good to them both!

Baba Gladys & Uncle Rod

Jason and I

Santa didn't forget Barkley!

All spiffied up for xmas day!

Lil Miss High Heels & Mr. Handsome

2 Babas in a kitchen = best food ever!
And really, what would xmas be without a baba in a kitchen?!

Sandy and I

2 Uncles & a hubby