Where the snowbanks are as high as the hills

Here in Prince George, we receive ALOT of snow. So much snow that I saw my neighbor going for a walk in snow shoes.

My garage door opener will not work from a distance due to the snowbanks.

No need to take them sledding!

He thinks I've come outside to help shovel.

The kids will spend hours outside in the snow with Barkley right by their sides.

Snowbanks are as high as our deck.

Coach Becker

What does your daddy do? He is a coach. What does he coach? He coaches hockey boys. He tells them how to skate, when to skate and please score alot of goals. But he said if you hockey-fight you end up in time-out. We yell at him from our seats when we see him on the bench and my mommy hides her face.

Good thing he's cute.

I love my dog. He's cute, he's cuddly and he's oh so loyal. BUT he can also be a real A-hole.

Yes I get that he's still a pup, yes I am thankful he doesn't
chew our socks, underwear, leather furniture or anything else for that matter in my house, BUT it doesn't excuse him to escape out of the backyard on the coldest day of the year and wrestle with me on my neighbors lawn. YES, I was in my housecoat. YES, I was cold. YES, I was mad at the husband for leaving the gate open AGAIN. GOOD THING HE'S CUTE.