First Day of School

BACK TO SCHOOL Kindergarten & Grade 1

They both have already made new friends and are enjoying school. Bella loves to read, enjoys math class and to hang upside down without hands on the monkey bars. Braxton likes lunch.

Lil Miss Grade 1 enjoys picking out her outfits for school each and EVERY day.

Scotiabankers Golf Tourney

I signed up for the Scotiabanker's golf tourney. My Uncle Dale would be very proud of me. My husband was in disbelief. As most people know of me, I utterly dispise golf. I don't have patience, I can't putt and I'd rather be sipping cocktails by the pool when it's warm not swinging at a tiny ball. BUT this golf tourney involved cocktails and low summer heat. I can hit a ball, and I can hit it far. But that's it.
 So I walked around with one club all day.

Miss Grade 1 & Mr. Kindergarten

Grade 1
Glenview Elementary
Prince George, BC

Glenview Elementary
Prince George, BC