Weekends are busy in our household, not much different I'm sure, than most.
We are off to the rink EVERY Saturday & Sunday morning for Braxton's hockey practice.
October - December both kids had swimming lessons on Sunday morning.
Once a month, Bella's Pony Club has barn day on a Sunday from 1 - 4 pm.
Needless to say, this leaves just enough time for laundry, a glass of wine and a hot bath.
It's ok to be busy, I like it. For two reasons.
1. When kids are busy, they are happy. Happy kids = Happy Mom
2. When kids are busy, they behave. Kids with good behavior = Happy Mom
Intiation A Team 3
He skates till he sweats
Like two peas in a pod
Bella & Savannah
Bella riding Possum at her weekly riding lesson
Learning to dive
Learning to float