Christmas in Penticton

Christmas break came December 20th
 and we were on the road to Penticton December 21st.
We were all SO excited to head down to Penticton to spend Christmas with the Sanches.
I grew up spending most Christmas Eves with my cousins
and I was overjoyed to start up this tradition again.
It was long overdue.

And that it was - the roads were terrible!
It took an extra 2 hours than we predicted but we
were greeted with smiles, hugs and wine.

The kids hit it off - Jordyn and Bella were like two peas in a pod
and enjoyed eachother's company skating at the nearby rink,
helping out with the twin babies, and playing for hours.

The boys - Brax and Jesse
Hockey, Hockey and one more Hockey!

Hitting the Slopes!
Trish and I took the kids skiing at Apex Mountain Resort

Brax's first time Snowboarding

 Brax during his lesson - he did awesome.

And just like that -
off he goes my lil snowboarder!

Jordyn and Bella - ski bunnies!

Christmas Eve
My brother Rod and I

 Christmas Morning.
Santa certainly found the house!
Brax, Jesse, Adam, Jordyn & Bella

Disneyland Tickets - SCORE!!!

And the parents sit back as the kids rip away at christmas wrap.
Enjoying a cuddle with the hubby.

And it's not christmas without a Baba in the kitchen!
Aunty Darlene cooking up a store.

 It was a feast. 
Smiles all around the table.

My cousin Rene with his twin baby girls Charlie & Hailey.
The twin's first christmas.

So THANKFUL and truelly BLESSED.
First and foremost - thank you again to the Sanche Family,
Shea, Trish, Adam, Jordyn & Jesse.
You welcomed all of us into your home and it was
so much fun. It really felt like "christmas" to have our families together.
We ate, we drank & drank some more and we laughed.
 Thank you to Aunty Darlene & Bruce for cooking up a traditional,
 ukrainian dinner  - for days on end.
We ate like kings and queens - you did an amazing job. 
Thank You Rene for travelling across two provinces with twin baby girls
so we could all share a part in your babies first christmas.
Last but not least - Uncle Rod. You slept where there was a free couch,
there was plenty of noise from  kids at all times -  
and none of them were yours and your personality
certainly shined through and entertatined us all in true fashion.

Merry Christmas to ALL our family & friends.
Wishing you all a wonderful christmas to be thankful for too.