
 Enjoying a winter walk at the beach.
Look at this view - Snowkanagan!
Even the puppy is smiling.

Christmas Ski Vacation - Sun Peaks Resort

Officially on Christmas Vacation!
Sun Peaks Resort

Family is everything.
What an amazing Christmas Vacation.
No schedules, no expecations, only family time.
Just the four of us.

Hitting the slopes!

View from the top with my ski buddies.

"The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes
that St. Nicholas soon would be there...."

Love the imagination, love the Christmas spirit.
I sure hope fudgeeos will do.

Christmas Morning!!
After the gifts were opened and before hitting the slopes.
THX selfie stick.

Walking in a winter wonderland.....
Sun Peaks Village

Merry, Happy Everything!

From a ski lodge in Sun Peaks,
to you and yours.
Wishing you a safe and Happy Holiday.
Merry Christmas!
Jason, Jaime, Bella and Braxton

Holidays with Papa and Mami

Bella and Braxton received a Xmas trip from their
Papa and Mami - Disneyworld & Caribbean Cruise.
We had some very excited kidlets come November.
We had some very rebooted parents two weeks later.
It was a vacation they will never forget.
Making memories with Papa Dennis and Mami Chantal.
Incredibly Blessed.

Disneyworld - December 2015

Christmas Minnie & Christmas Mickey

Cruising the Caribbean.

One of their stops - Cayman Islands

Swimming with Sting-Rays.
Good thing she tried this with her Papa......
This is not something that would be offered on a trip
with Mom or Dad.

Becker Family Christmas Greeting 2015

Okanagan Living.
Sunshine, Suntans, Sunsets.

September marks 1 year of our move to the Okanagan.  We have adjusted quite nicely. Spring in February, Summer weather in May – who can complain?  We spent a lot of time this summer at the beach, it was wonderful.  And when we were not at the beach we spent time visiting with friends and drinking wine.  Drinking A LOT of wine.  The wineries are just beautiful, sometimes that $10 glass of wine has nothing to do with the wine itself, it is so worth the scenery and company.  We are very thankful for the visitors, door is always open…..

Bella surprises us on a daily basis. This shy, quiet, kind little being has grown up over night. Although still shy, quiet and kind – there are also feelings, boyfriends, dress code and homework. Grade 5 has brought a lot of change for us all! Socializing is certainly her first priority, but we have managed to get her homework on routine.  Some days are challenging and other days we manage with no hassle. We deal day by day. She has asked for a nose piercing and a hair straightener – she got the hair straightener.  She continues to love spending time with horses; her riding season just ended in November and it will start up again in early March.  

Braxton keeps us on our toes.  And not because he is mischevious, but because we don’t always know the answers to his questions. He is a little book of knowledge.  His first priority is learning, he loves school and he loves to read.  He is intrigued by science and math problems.  He couldn’t be bothered with the drama his sister comes home talking about – well, not this year anyways.  He is waiting until Grade 5 to have a girlfriend – so he tells us. He follows in his dad’s footsteps and lives and breathes everything hockey.  He is always ready for a practice, game or team event.   He loves hanging out with his hockey buddies and is always interested in making new friends.

Jason has kept himself busy with all things hockey related.  He renewed his contract with the Okanagan Hockey Academy in September and continues to coach the Midget Varsity Team.  He is also on the BC Hockey Coaching Committee – High Performance Division.  He helps out with coaching clinics as a presenter and a facilitator as well as a field evaluator for candidates working towards completing their high performance 1 coaching certificate.  He attended the Monctonian; a tournament in Moncton with another OHA team - Midget Prep Red team in November and the team won gold.  When he is not involved in his hockey life, he is at home with us.  We will take anytime we can get with him, as he is always missed.

Jaime is just busy. I'm sure most moms and wives can relate.  I think I say this every year!   It’s been a great season of hockey for Brax – we both enjoy meeting new people and making new friends.  The parents have been great. Parenting is always a learning curve; especially with Bella and her preteen inquiries.  First tears, then hugs followed with laughter.  So far, we are surviving.  She has such a warm and heavy heart, and I love and admire her for it.  I continue to enjoy working part-time at Scotiabank as the Customer Relations Representative. The hours are fantastic and so are the people I work with.   I recently received an award for Best of the Best at my branch in Penticton. It was unexpected but very rewarding.  And when I’m not at work - I’m at a hockey rink,  the barn, the gym or I am with friends enjoying a bottle of wine.  Hockeymom, hockeywife, hockeylife.

From Our home to Yours,
To our friends and family near and far,
Wishing you a Safe and Happy Holiday Season.
Cheers to 2016!
Jason, Jaime, Bella and Braxton.

All Grown up - Goalie Life

Gone are the days of helping him with his equipment.
He dresses himself and ties his own skates.
#hockeylife   #goaliemom

Hockey Mom Prayer

May I find the best route to the hockey arena in rush hour traffic.
May there not be any road closures,
beginner drivers or other stressed out hockey parents in my path.
May the boy have remembered all his equipment.
May I hold my incredulous yell of
frustration back when we're running late
and he tells me he MIGHT have left his hockey gloves
on the floor back home.
May I find the grace not to scream at an opposing player who has just
elbowed my son in the head.
May I find a spot in the arena that is actually under a WORKING heater.
May I not get sick of Tim Horton's coffee in the next eight months.
May I try, for once, to just enjoy the game and not get stressed out.
May I have the right words to comfort and
encourage him when he has a bad game
and the exuberance to celebrate with him when he has had a good one.
May I remember that he loves this freezing, time-consuming,
 money-sucking sport and that he is a thing of beauty when he skates.
And, most of all,
may I rememeber that his childhood is passing all too quickly
and that, one day, I will actually miss
all the time we spent in the vehicle hustling back and forth
between arenas.

One day, I will wish for that time back so let me hold it in
my memory as long as I can because it is flying away from me,
faster than my son on hockey skates.

Penticton Minor Hockey - Atom Development

We are very proud of Brax - he made the Atom Development Team.
He was and is very excited to tryout and make the team as a goalie.

MVP helmet, nominated by a fellow teammate.
Work hard, play hard - it doesn't go unnoticed.

Penticton Atom Development Tournament.
Player of the game.
My nerves are shot - he stopped the puck with his face,

Happy Halloween 2015

Happy Halloween!!

1st place - pumpkin carving contest

Happy 9th Birthday Braxton

What an amazing boy.
He has a love for hockey, science and math.
He has plenty of friends and is always interested in making more.
Last one in the dressing room because he is too busy socializing.
He enjoys date nights with his mom,
movie night with his sister,
and everything about hockey with his dad.
Happy Birthday Brax.

Back to School - Grade 4 and Grade 5

Summer went by too quickly.
Back to school, back to routine, back to busy days ahead!

Grade 5
Wiltse Elementary School

Grade 4
Wiltse Elementary School

School Marathon Run

Brax and his school buds.
Trout Creek 2K Marathon Run

Naramata Marathon Run
5th, 2nd and 8th place out of 100 kids.
I guess these hockey boys have to find another way
to burn off their energy when they are not on the ice.

Vancouver Date Weekend

Date night - Vacouver Style.

No kids, no schedule, no routine - weekend off from everything.

Date Night

Date night - with my other guy.
Youngstars Hockey Game.

Roughrider Pride in the Okanagan

Love this!
Rider Pride in the Okanagan.

Channel Float

Looking forward to the August Long Weekend
and our first channel float!

"We have an inner tube, so grab your bikini,
we're laughing all the way - to the riverbank..."
August Long Weekend Family Channel Float

Red Barn Ranch Horse Camp

First overnight camp complete! Bella loved horse camp.
She made many new friends, especially her furry one China.

Summer Goalie Camp

From the beach to the rink, I can't keep him away from either one!
#obessessedwiththegame  #justlikedad  #hockeyhair

Backyard Tenting

Backyard Tenting!
Good luck kidlets - dog snores loudly....

Friends and Wine

In good company!
A visit from our good friends
 Nate, Heather and baby Alexander.

My forever friend Stephanie.
Known her most of my life.
We always seem to live miles apart, but it never stops
us from meeting up - somewhere, anywhere.
SO, why not an Okanagan winery?

Best friend therapy.
Tiffany and I wine tasting for the afternoon.


Morning coffee at Tiffany's campsite before my workday.

Besties and Babies - Congrats Robyn and Heather.
A wonderful visit with wonderful friends on our Prince George visit.

Summer Fun

So happy to call this home.
Sunrises, sunshine, sunset!


Love me a mermaid

Skipped the gym - this will do.

Penticton Summer Market.
On the search for charms with these two lovelies.
Bella and Jordyn.

Penticton Peach Festival.

Schools out for Summer

Schools out for Summer!
Days full of sunshine, blue skies & sandy feet -
Okanagan Summer.

Happy Fathers Day

This guy is the reason our kids are kind,
caring, considerate, loving beings.
Happy Fathers Day Jason.