Back to School - Grade 4 and Grade 5

Summer went by too quickly.
Back to school, back to routine, back to busy days ahead!

Grade 5
Wiltse Elementary School

Grade 4
Wiltse Elementary School

School Marathon Run

Brax and his school buds.
Trout Creek 2K Marathon Run

Naramata Marathon Run
5th, 2nd and 8th place out of 100 kids.
I guess these hockey boys have to find another way
to burn off their energy when they are not on the ice.

Vancouver Date Weekend

Date night - Vacouver Style.

No kids, no schedule, no routine - weekend off from everything.

Date Night

Date night - with my other guy.
Youngstars Hockey Game.

Roughrider Pride in the Okanagan

Love this!
Rider Pride in the Okanagan.