Jason named to Team BC

Congrats Jason on being named Assistant Coach for Team BC
at the 2017 Western Canada Challenge Cup and
2019 Canada Winter Games.
We are so proud of you!
Click on the link to read the full article:

Happy 12th Birthday Bella

We have that Unbreakable Bond.
Even with all that Sass, you are my most favourite.
Keep being YOU.
Happy Birthday Beautiful Blue Eyes.

Penticton Minor Hockey - A Season of Success

League Champions!
Penticton Atom Development

"We have a free weekend"
Said NO hockeymom EVER.

Last game of the season -  MVP
Great way to finish the season off!

Game Face ON.

When your favourite goalie shows up at practice.

Super Proud of this kid.
Chosen to wear the A for his team.
Lead by example.