Only Kindness Matters

High Fives and Teary Eyes.....
486 Days since his last haircut.
All because he wanted to do something special for sick kids.
His heart broke when he learned what sick kids have to overcome
and mine melted when he told me why he wanted to grow out his hair.
Sports recognitions, excellent report cards - cannot compare
to how proud I am of you for this.
Love you, Mom.
#onlykindnessmatters #donatetocancer #goodbyehockeyhair

The Big Reveal!
Today, we donated enough strands of hair to make a full wig.

Sunshine and Summer in the Okanagan

As we watched the Okanagan sun set,
old friends, new friends shared memories while we
dined, wined and laughed. 
Welcome Summer.

Schools out.
Let's hit the course.
Golf Lessons.

Which way to the beach?

Flippin' into Summer