Becker Family Christmas Greeting 2017

Hello and warmest holiday wishes from the Beckers!
We hope that this holiday season finds you cozy, comfy, happy and well. If for some reason not, there is always eggnog OR wine.  That usually is a little-used but well-known cure for all sorts of things....

2017 has been a memorable year at the Becker household.  We have had many blessings come our way.

Everyone is back to basics and back to busy. School, hockey, activities, birthday parties, work life - so far, we are back on track and back in family balance.  Rink life is becoming more of our life than ever between Jason and Braxton's hockey schedule.  We always find a way to make it work.  Bella is old enough to schedule her weekends accordingly, which means finding a friend to hang out with so she can skip brother's hockey altogether and I keep up with my social network via hockey rinks and scheduled in date nights with galpals.

It sounds exhausting doesn't it?  But it all works.  Perfectly, actually.
This is the only schedule and balanced life we know. It's OUR life.  I have a happy, healthy, loving family - everything else is a bonus. We surround ourselves with good people.  Friends we call family.  I consistently feel love and support from them all.   

As 2017 comes closely and quickly to an end, let's end it with happiness, 
joy and inspiration.
"Life is what you make it, so make it great."   
Be thankful.  Be grateful.  Be kind.

Wishing you joy and cheer this Christmas and always.
May your days be merry, bright and full of love.

Much love from our family to yours,
Jason, Jaime, Bella and Braxton.