Humboldt Strong

Heaven's Hockey rink has a special line-up.

To the families, billets, friends, organization and 
communities of Humboldt:
Sending our heartfelt condolences.
We can't even begin to imagine the devastation.
The hockey world is so big, yet so small.
We are one big family.
You will never be forgotten and always in our hearts.

This horrific tragedy hit home to so many,
especially our hockey family.
It was a very hard weekend for us, 
especially because we knew some of the families affected.
Our hearts were heavy, our tears were non-stop and 
our grief was stricken.

The outpour around the world really opened my eyes and my heart.
"I do believe that the world ain't half as bad as it looks,
I do believe most people are good." 

Don't take life for granted. 
Say I love you, more than you did before.
Hug your family and friends, always.  Hugs never go out of style.
Open your heart.  
Be thankful and grateful for life.

Jersey Day.

On Thursday, April 12th,
Sherwood Trophies of Penticton, BC, wanted to help
support the families and community of Humboldt by making
T-shirts and decals available for sale by donation.
100% of donations collected will be sent to the 
Humboldt Broncos Association.