"Don't believe the sky is the limit
when there are footprints on the moon."
There are mornings, and then there are days that I don't know
how I am going to survive these teenage years ahead . . .
The feelings. The moods. The clumsiness.
And then a day like today happens.
Straight A Student. Honour Roll.
Athletic All Star. Award of Excellence.
Bella has been a Straight A Student - all three Middle School grade years.
She has also been on the Honour Roll,
you guessed it - all three Middle School grade years.
Congrats to our Middle School Graduate.
We are so proud of the person you have chosen to be.
The right dose of personality, sass and strength.
With a heart full of love and a soul full of happiness.
Goodbye Middle School, Hello High School.
Bella - you got this.
Skaha Lake Middle School Graduate
Athletic Allstar
Volleyball ~ Basketball ~Track & Field