Birthday Celebration - Quarantine Edition

My family helped decorate my room with ribbons and balloons.
The vases of flowers were courtesy of husband and girlfriends.
Whenever the doorbell rang,
 I got happy & then sad all at the same time.
Wine drop offs, yet I couldn’t share it or hug them for it. 

April 22
Celebrating my birthday in the time of a world pandemic 
and I'm a few quarantinis deep . . .🍸🍸🍸

It's been a good day and its always a privilege to celebrate another year.
I consider myself very lucky, not just today - everyday. #healthy
To the people in my life who make me smile, support me, 
and go above and beyond a
You are amazing and I can only feel incredibly blessed.
I appreciate the check in, the quick message, those who ask if I'm ok and 
those who listen when I'm not. Becuz I haven't always been 😒K. #truefact
And to my family who exceed all and any expectations, you are all rockstars!
And even though you blink, chew and breathe loudly,
I wouldn't want to be isolated with anyone else. 

Cheers to staying safe, staying healthy. 
And hopefully sooner than later, more socializing less social media.
This will be a birthday I will not forget and if I've learned anything 
from this broken world and uncertainty, 
I want to be better at stroy living, not story-telling.
Covid may have temporarily taken my job, my routine and a bit of my sanity,
but it made my heart open, my emotions strong and my inner self refocus
and pay better attention to what and who matters the most.
My priorities have changed some and I truly believe better days are ahead.
Now, bottoms up.  Hiccup! 

Happy Easter!

H A P P Y   E A S T E R 
πŸ‘  πŸ°  πŸ₯• 🌷 🐣 πŸ’•

The meaning of this day is hope, renewal and new life.
And I hope this can give us all the strength to love more, be kinder,
appreciate each day to the fullest and heal.
Wishing you a day filled with hope, health and love.

Easter Virtual Edition
#stayhomestaysafe #worldpandemic #quarantine