Father's Day - Downtown Victoria                                                                                                                                                                                             

W E L C O M E  B A C K
Wishing you a summer full of sun, family, friends & fun! 
Enjoy all the updates. xoxo

* for those of you on social media platforms, enjoy the updates . . . again!

Designated Driver

The precious moments in life: 

when your daughter becomes your 

built-in designated driver.

Congratulations to the new driver in our house! 



22 years of life, 18 years of marriage. 
Through it all, we’ve always found our way back to eachother.  
Cheers to figuring out this thing called life together - forever and always. 
I love our island life and I love you. Cheers to us! 
#throughthickandthin #therestisstillunwritten