This new normal is not normal at all

Travel is back: Summer ‘22 ✈️ 💼 

Staff shortages, delays, full airports, 
delayed/lost baggage and everything else in between; 
there has been nothing normal about the new normal. 
 Even the most experienced travellers are out of sync. 
The world is out of sync. 
No one was really prepared and we didn’t exactly ease back into it either. 
However, I love what I do and I enjoy who I work it with. 
The teamwork, dedication and resilience on display
 is nothing short of amazing. 
There is always a light at the end of the tunnel, and in my case: runway. 
And that light presents itself sometimes as 
some of the most beautiful sunsets.  
I tend not to dwell on the negative and pay more attention to the wonderful.  
Life vibes better this way, happier!
We are all trying to make up for lost time, vacations and life experiences. 
I am going to stay grateful that I can travel, 
even if this new chaotic norm is my constant companion.
 Cheers to the fall and a much needed break!! 

Signing off to have a nap - until Xmas! 🥱💤✌🏻
Your friendly baggage agent. 

#lovewhatyoudo #flytheflag #aircanadajazz #togetherwearejazz