And just like that, Graduation

Time, where did you go?
Holding on to all the beautiful moments: preschool, elementary school,
picture days, first day back to school, christmas concerts, track meets,
middle school, volleyball, high school, driving ... 
and just like that - GRADUATION.
When they say time flies, they weren't kidding.
These are the moments in life that will always be remembered,
cherished and held close to my heart.
We moms do that: we hold every darn thing in our hearts.
So every growl, scowl or eye-roll I received on picture day,
was a million times worth it.

Join me while I journey down memory lane . . .

Germany & Canada  

Kindergarten - Grade 5
Elementary School 

Grade 6 - 8
Middle School

Grade 9 - Grade 11
High School

Grade 12: 🎓 GRADUATION 🎓

And just like that . . . 
That shy, smiley, preschool girl grew up and graduated.