Chicago, IL

We made our way to Chicago for a good friend's wedding. It was one of the most fabulous weddings I have been to. We were chauffered to & from the ceremony/reception. The bride was gorgeous, the ceremony was beautiful, the reception was elegant and the groom was tearful. It was so classy, so romantic.

Congrats once again to Shane & Patricia Jackson!

Chicago is a great place to visit! Jason and I are great tourists - not the kind that wear fanny packs, but the kind who like to try different kinds of food & drink and see major tourist sites. In that being said, we shopped the Magnificent Mile in downtown Chicago, we ate at the famous deep-dish pizza restaurant Giordonos, we tried a Chicago style hot-dog & we took on the heat at a Chicago WhiteSox ball game.

beautiful day downtown on the Magnificent Mile

900 Mile Shop - shopping on the Magnificent Mile, downtown Chicago

Bloomies! Yes, the bag is small - but what it's got in it is HUGE.

Shane & Patricia during their wedding ceremony at the Newberry Library.

Men in suits

At Crystal Gardens for the wedding reception. Spectacular!

It was so classy & elegant.

We cleaned up nice.

Congrats to Mr. & Mrs. Shane Jackson

What a beautiful couple!

Hubby & Wifey

The Boyz - Travis, Wes, Jason & another Jason

Jason and Shane

Dear Mr. Louboutin, although ur shoes looked fabulous, after many, many hours of walking & dancing - they had to come off. Till we meet again fancy shoes.

Navy Pier, Lake Michigan - one of the many tourist attractions in Chicago.
Crystal Gardens, where the wedding reception was held - is at the Navy Pier.

Many things to do at the Navy Pier - rides, shopping, food & drink

It was my idea to match

Chicago at night - picture taken from up top on the Ferris Wheel

Navy Pier lit up at night

Fireworks on a beautiful evening

At a Chicago WhiteSox ball game. Of course, it had to be hot, hot, hot after a night of celebrating till wee hours of the morning - even my knees were sweating. When we got to the 5th inning, I got excited, thinking we were near the end. Apparently, there are 9.

Batter - up!


At our seats

A day of shopping downtown Chicago - in the rain.

It doesn't matter to me how hard it rains, nothing gets in my way when it comes to shopping.

Viva Las Vegas - Family Edition

Back to Vegas - for a family Vegas Vacay!

I love Vegas, nothing new. But going to Vegas with my mother - very new and awesome! Enjoying the sun one afternoon down by the pool we all decided to mention 3 things we thought were the most memorable about our trip. We all agreed how happy we were to be together on such a great vacation. We all enjoyed the shopping. We all enjoyed the wonderful dinners. And then we each had our personal moments. Mine included:

1. Waking up at 8:00 am in Vegas SOBRE, very nice.
2. I do not gamble, so winning $45 was so exciting. The big lights & loud noises when I hit a win - I could have went without.
3. Pooltime talks. I love my ladies, I love my chit-chat and I love me some sun!

My cousin's Rae 21st Birthday!
 L-R Sandy, Aunty Joan, Rae, Molly, Gladys(Mom)


Freemont Street


A taste of Italy

  Cirque De Soleil Show - Love


Bright lights, Big City!

Won't you be my neighbour

 Babysitters - booked. Tickets to a pub night - bought. Silent auction bids - won. 

Plenty of laughs - all night long. 
We are so very thankful to have such wonderful neighbors/friends.

Pre-School Graduation

The baby in our family graduated from PRE-SCHOOL. He is very excited for kindergarten. He is mostly excited about attending the same school as his sister.

Braxton with his pre-school teachers Lisa & Louise.