The Becker Family - Island Edition

Stewart Beach
🍁🍁  Party of 4  🍁🍁
Thanksgiving is memorable for many different reasons.
We spend most thanksgivings apart - this is a first.
Today I'm thankful for this and everyday I'm thankful for them.

The Becker Family - Island Edition

~ The Becker's move to Vancouver Island ~
Moving to a new city is one of the hardest 
but most fulfilling things our family ever does.
The experiences, the friendships, the memories.
No one loves to move or welcome change, but it's part of our journey.
There is something incredibly hopeful about a fresh start. 
 #hockeylife #ourstory #noregrets

Happy 14th Birthday Braxton

October 11, 2020
14 years ago, while shopping for newborn 
baby essentials in Walmart
I went into labour one month shy of my due date.
~ Welcome Braxton ~
Brax, you entered this world on your own time 
and in your own way.
And well, some things never change.
You continue to live life at your own pace with a grin 
from ear to ear while keeping us on our toes.
You heart is made of gold and anyone 
who knows you, knows this.
Things to remember:
Don't be afraid to stand up for what's right - 
silence can be deadly.
Never let someone sit or hang alone, 
you know what it feels like to be the new kid.
Work hard, play hard. 
I know that your dreams are big so never stop dreaming.
Sometimes those blown-out candle wishes come true, 
especially if earned & deserved.
And if you forget any and/or all of this
 and find yourself conflicted, just be like dad. 
He's something special.
You have been shown great examples of what it's like
 to be a good, kind, loving man.
Never second guess who you are, 
where you came from and what matters most.
I absolutely love being your mom. 
I love your authenticity and I love you more than anything,
even extra closet space. 

I hope you always continue to put 
a smile on another's face with your
interesting aspects on life and your weird, wacky facts.
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#supremehumanbeing #factswithbrax

Hockey is BACK


Pacific Sea Devils       
DROP THE PUCK -  Game Day X 2

#returntohockey #sportschool #academy