1 year more and Bella turned four.

February 12 Bella turned 4.
I can still remember every detail of that day 4 years ago,
and I'm trying to forget the terrible twos.
She is smart but sassy, bossy but friendly, shy yet outgoing
and the BEST little 4 year old girl we could have ever imagined.
Happy Birthday Bella Boo!
We had her birthday party at the local McDonald's because
she not only requested cheeseburgers and chocolate cake
but the playroom so she could run and play afterwards.
It only took two tries to blow out the candle.

Owen, Brax and Bella enjoying the cupcakes.

opening gifts, she had plenty!

Peppa Pig.....SCORE!
Many thanx for all the gifts, you made a little girl very, very happy
on her special day.

Kinderschule Geburtstag.

At Bella's german preschool they have a birthday party for
each little person when it's their special day.
On Bella's birthday we were invited to join her school group!
Because it is her "special" day, she gets to sit on a thrown.
Fit for a princess.
Or as I would put it, fit for a drama queen. haha
the 48 cupcakes I had to bake and decorate.
The baking part was a pain as I'm no betty crocker,
but I enjoyed the decorating part.
I had to give it my best effort, I wanted to impress her teachers.
enjoying cupcakes with her friend Andrea and brother Brax.

the entire class.

click to hear Bella's class sing her Happy Birthday.


Fasching is Rosenheim's version of Carnival.
Americans call it "Mardi Gras" while the British have
"Shrove Tuesday" (pancake day).
The Fasching celebrations take place on Tuesday 24th Febuary.
Most people will get the afternoon off work so that they
can go downtown wearing a silly costume.
Faschingsdienstag (Carnival Tuesday) is the last day of Fasching
and when most of the festivities happen.
Fasching is celebrated mainly in the
Catholic parts of Germany and it's
name "Fasching" is only used in and around Munich.

The participants: the lion, the bunny and the pirate.

no "roar" here, the lion has cuddles for the bunny

the party has STARTED!

how about CUTEST costume...because it goes to this little guy!
Owen dressed up as a dinosaur and he was probably the
warmest of us all.

the panther, the bunny and the hippie.

would you like some fries with that?

PROBST to Faschingdienstag!

Francizca's birthday party.

Bella attended her first german birthday party
for her friend Francizca.
Francizca's party was themed "Fasching" so
Bella had to dress up.
Of course, she chose to dress up as a princess.
And not because she wanted to wear a dress or wave a wand,
but because she wanted to wear her clip-on earings.

Everyone waiting for cake.

she was shy, but enjoyed the cakes.

Let's hit the slopes!

I've been waiting oh so patiently to go skiing.
FINALLY, I had my chance.
I was a little nervous at first because it has been like 7 years.
Really, skiing is like riding a bike.
one of the many ski runs.

Claus and Mirjiam

Kasie and Ryan

on the chair lift.

beautiful view

the snack shacks

it consistantly snowed all day

I only had one really good wipeout.
So good, that a little girl brought me one of my poles
that went flying.
I did find both skis and my hat.
Even though I found the sunglasses too, it wasn't the greatest
idea to wear WHITE-rimmed sunglasses.

it was a great day with the Fairbarns.

After this beer, my right ski kept falling off.

Grumps the snowman.

We had a few days of snow.
So much of it, the kids couldn't resist to go outside and
build a snowman.
I asked Bella what she named her snowman.
She told me Grumps. I asked why Grumps?
She said, "Because that's his name."

He had no problem putting on his snowsuit.
Snowsuit = alot of snow = FUN.
all the snowman needs is a head....

And here he is.
We would like to introduce you to Grumps.

Meet the Gauchers.

We have been very fortunate this season to receive
plenty of visitors.
And we were very pleased to receive fellow Saskatoonian visitors.
Ryan and Jaclyn Gaucher are also living in
Germany because of hockey and they decided to come
down south on their February break.
We had an amazing time basking in the sun, drinking pints of beer
surrounded by an amazing view.
On this day back home I think it was something like -24.
Homesick? Not a chance.

Cheers to being parka-free!

Catching up with the Caudrons

Season 2005/2006 we were in Heilbronn, Germany
and that is where we first met the Caudrons.
At that time, the girls were only babies and kept us
busy with playdates and swimming lessons.
Now, they have grown up to be such pretty, happy
little girls who both have younger brothers as sidekicks.
On their way to Italy, the Caudrons made a stop at the Beckers
to catch up and reunite!

the only thing that has really changed is the
length of their hair.
Still as pretty as can be!
Brax followed the girls everywhere.
He especially liked listening to Mia sing her german kindergarten songs.

Baby Antoine had so much fun trying to keep up
with the kids crawling as fast as he could from room to room!

such a BEAUTIFUL day, we had to venture out to
a cafe to enjoy the weather.

Antoine, Mia, Karine, Brax, Jaime, J-F, Bella
Great company, Great weather,
Great Weekend!

Hanging with Dad.

Although Braxy is enjoying his daycare time at the gym daily,
he would give it all up to stay at home with his dad.
And why not?
You don't get crackers from dad, you get cookies.
The living room couch is a trampoline and the coffee table
is where you sit and relax and sometimes lay while watching cartoons.
Your clothes may not match, but who cares when you're two.
And how could I forget, you ALWAYS win in wrestling.
Here's to hanging with Dad.....High-Five!

Rosenheim Starbulls

As most other leagues are starting to end their regular season,
ours just keeps on going!
Yes, it is the season that doesn't end.
Not ever have we had to play until April 5th. And THEN start playoffs.
The Starbulls are still holding onto second place
and we hope to secure it or take first.
Wish us luck!